Ken Bradley is a 1970 graduate from the University of Wyoming and has been a CPA since 1972. He enjoys working with professionals at every stage of their careers, from newcomers to seasoned staff. “We are in the people business: those we live with, work with, and those we serve,” he says. “Tending to these relationships defines our values, and, ultimately, our success.”
Mr. Bradley merged with Porter, Muirhead, Cornia & Howard in January 2001. He was previously employed with McGladrey & Pullen, LLP and its predecessors from September 1970 to December 31, 2000. He has thirty-six years experience in litigation services, auditing, cost accounting, income tax analysis and related financial consulting services. Mr. Bradley’s experience in litigation results from being retained as either an expert or consulting witness in litigation matters. His experience includes assisting as both a consulting and trial expert in cases involving analysis of alleged loss of profits, calculation of damages resulting from specific events, general business valuations in divorce cases, and propriety and commonality of business practices.
Ken is a member of the American Institute of CPA’s and the Wyoming Society of CPA’s.